Thursday, March 5, 2009

February 10, 2009 - The Fight Begins

Chemotherapy. Funny word, but it is one that you really never associate with your own lifestyle. Yet, today is my first day dealing with it. Just like when I entered the hospital, the nurse had some problems getting the IV started. Just not the way that I would have diagrammed the start of the day. I have enough trouble with needles without having to do four tries again. The second nurse was able to get it in, but I sure would like to avoid this in the future. They really take their time giving me the stuff as it takes 30 minutes just getting in the pre-chemo solution in my body. The actual chemo is administered with a syringe into the IV. Overall it wasn’t as bad as I had imagined.

I’m the youngest participant in the room. The old ladies probably think I’m hot, but it’s tough looking that way when you practically pass out every time they try to put a needle in. I’ll have to work on that a bit.

We are about ready to try anything with this back and leg issue. I have now entered the land of new age medicine as we see a naturopathic/oncology doctor who also does acupuncture. $500 later, I have a boatload of pills, some advice on what to eat and not eat because of the chemo and 17 more holes in my back and legs. They had everything but some “Yanni” music in the background. Now I find out that more things are illegal such as vitamin C, orange juice and green tea as they hinder the action of the chemo drugs.

I stopped on the way home to get some anti-nausea medicine. Thank God for insurance. The 40 pills are $800 without insurance, just $68 for us.

No real side effects early on, just tired. Going to bed early. Trying to work half days around the doctor visits. Not sure how much I’ll get in on Thursday as I have to get another test done. This will be a MUGA test which will look at my heart to see if I can handle the chemo.

Well, I obviously spoke too soon. Tonight was one of the worst nights that I have had with pain. Not sure if it was the chemo or the acupuncture or something else as I only got about two hours of sleep. It got so bad that I even filled up the tub and sat in hot water. It worked the first time, but not for long. Almost glad when the sun came up and I could walk around a little bit. Hopefully, this is a one shot thing.

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