Thursday, May 19, 2022

The Joy of Baby Steps - 5/19/2022

Anyone who has kids remembers the moment they first started taking steps. There was elation for the accomplishment, surprise when it actually happened, disappointment if you were at work and missed the moment, and fear of the uncertainty of a stumble or fall.

Well, today we had a great baby step. 

The morning had been going so well. The doctors had rounds and all seemed very upbeat again about his progress overnight and his newest readings. They didn't know what was next but John was once again remaining stable, no longer getting support for his blood pressure or temps, was breathing with the vent, and remained calm with an occasional eye opening when being moved. 

The day wasn't to involve much change, no plasma replacement today, a couple units of platelets were needed, but overall more improvement in his white cells and red cells. He hasn't needed blood for a few days which is the first time in weeks. They decided they were confident he didn't need the EEG sensors that surrounded his skull watching for the tremors and possible seizures, so one less machine in his room. 

Nephrology is talking about changing him soon from continuous dialysis to intermittent in the next couple of days. Dr. Glass-Half-Full was back to his smile and positive self since the current treatment plan has him on a path back to the Transplant Unit maybe after this weekend. They were taking him off constant sedation and only giving fentanyl when he appeared uncomfortable.

John was in the care of a chipper new nurse today, Nurse Lucky Charm, as I am now calling her. I told her when I first walked in that I could already tell it was going to be a good day as soon as I saw how content he was in her care. She was his "lucky charm". As with all of the nurses in ICU, she balanced the beeping pumps, dialysis alarms, his "coughing" discomfort, the constant turning and shifting to avoid bedsores, brushing his teeth, washing his hair, moving and massaging his extremities and anything else that needed done with finesse. They are all Super Heroes and amaze me that they keep up this energy for 12 1/2 hrs a day for multiple days. I find it draining just watching from the sidelines.

I had to run to the new house to check the status of the flooring and renovations around noon. (I have the best flooring guys and painter, BTW, if anyone needs services around Phoenix let me know. They have both helped us as multiple houses now.) We are actually ahead of the detailed schedule John and I put together last month by 3 1/2 work days. I love this flexibility so we aren't so crunched for move-in day and I am able to get things like duct cleaning and plumber moved up. 

I verified my phone number as I left and told her to be sure to call if anything went awry but I would be back in about an hour. Just as I was leaving the house, my phone rang and it was The Mayo Clinic. I immediately panicked, then I heard the excitement as she told me the good news. He had awakened and responded by wiggling his toes on command, squeezing her hand and moving his head in a yes and no response to questions. This was the most cognitive activity anyone has seen from him since last Friday (a week).

The drive back was that feeling of excitement he was really responding, disappointment like I missed the first steps of a baby, and anticipation to see them perform again, but what if he didn't. Thankfully a few more times this afternoon he opened his eyes, and once even smiled at me through the mouthful of tubes. He was able to nod and let me know he wasn't in pain, he knew he was at the Mayo, he wanted the music on, and he didn't remember me telling him about the Reds losing a no-hitter. Ha-ha, that was obviously a big head shake "no".   

At the end of the ship he gave Nurse Lucky Charm a big smile when she said good night but that she would see him tomorrow. Then he raised his fingers in a wave.

It was a good day!



  1. So glad to hear it was a day when things are getting better. I pray the improvement continues. All our love.

  2. So happy for his progress! Life is Good!

  3. What a GREAT GOD WE HAVE! He is so good all the time, and our continued prayers for both of you will keep rising up to heaven. Such positive news Julia!

  4. Mary Gale RavanelliMay 20, 2022 at 3:32 AM

    Even though I don't know your husband, I feel like I'm getting a glimpse of him through your eyes! You both are amazing and a powerhouse couple. You are in my prayers today. Praying that God gives you the wisdom and strength needed to continue doing what you are doing for John. Julia, I also love how through all of this, you are seeing the small blessings everyday and they are not going unnoticed. You got this girl!! You too, John!

  5. It was a good day! Hoping today is a good day too. Praying for you all❤️

  6. What exciting news! I knew was a fighter! Continued prayers! Great job on the updates Julia! Love Rita J

  7. That IS Great news!!! Continued prayers 💕

  8. This IS a great day! Let’s keep this going John!!! So happy to hear this positive news!

  9. So very happy to hear all of this! Love ya both

  10. Praise God! Hallelujah!
