There are only so many dates in your life that ring with importance. Certainly, the day you are born, married and die rank right up there. Only problem is that for two of them, you probably don’t even know what is going on and the other flies by so fast, it becomes a blur. Then there are the other days that you never forget.
It was sixteen years ago today that my youngest was born. Usually your second child’s day of birth pales in comparison to your first just because the first is not only scary, but exciting at the same time. You tend to remember every detail because your senses are so heightened. However, that was not to be the case with Jason. He has never been content with being second best and the day of his birth was no different.
First of all, he was supposed to be a girl. At least that was what the book that I bought guaranteed. After Justin was born, we were pretty sure that we were only going to have one more and to give Julia an equal voting chance in the house, we agreed that a girl would be the best option. Even though we followed all of the rules, Jason appeared. The funny thing was that at the end of the last chapter, the book offered to send back the cost of the book if you didn’t get the boy or girl that you had wanted. I guess they didn’t have a boy/girl exchange program.
Julia’s mother had three children and each one of her labors was much quicker. When she had her third, John (who if you remember sent me Graeter’s ice cream when I first got home from the hospital), she barely got in the hospital when he was delivered. Since Justin came fairly quickly, I was scared to death that I would have to pull the care over on the way to the hospital and deliver Jason in the back seat of the Hyundai.
As a result, every time that Julia burped after she got close to the delivery date, we went to the hospital. Finally on the third trip, we got it right. However, the delivery wasn’t going to be an easy one. Although it went fairly quickly, the umbilical cord was wrapped around Jason’s neck. As the delivery progressed, Julia’s blood pressure dropped and Jason’s heartbeat fell right along with it.
All of a sudden, there are 7 people in the room and they have Julia on her hands and knees trying to get things in a more favorable position. Of course, I am having a cerebral hemorrhage and Julia is as cool as a cucumber. They finally got things back in order and Jason was born without a hitch.
I think the lack of oxygen made Jason as stubborn as a mule. (Certainly didn’t get that from me.) For the first two years, he refused to talk. I never heard so many “aaaaaaa’s” and “ooooooo’s” in my entire life. It seemed like the only word he knew was “no.” I don’t even want to try to count the money we spent on doctors and tests making sure he could hear.
But eventually, he did start talking and we couldn’t shut him up. However, I think he has now gone back to his old ways and he only knows how to text. He does talk to us once in a while, but it is usually about whatever sport he is playing or something he has seen on MTV or VH1. For those of you not old enough to remember, they actually used to show music videos on those two networks. Now it is just inane reality TV.
Yet, I really have no reason to complain. He cleans his room at least once per month and keeps the wear and tear on the carpet in his room down since he keeps all of his clothes on the floor. He stays out of trouble and actually gets an A or two now and then in school. Oh, and don’t forget, he did offer me one of his kidneys when he thought that would save my life. It is impossible to truly convey your innermost feelings for another person. You can say all of the right words, but words rarely give the full meaning. You hope your actions express what you want to say. I hope that years from now when I am long gone, Jason understands the love that a father has for a son. I don’t have a kidney to give him, but love, I have plenty of.
I guess we have done a few things right over the last 16 years. Now if he can just not break a leg in his first high school football game tonight.
It was sixteen years ago today that my youngest was born. Usually your second child’s day of birth pales in comparison to your first just because the first is not only scary, but exciting at the same time. You tend to remember every detail because your senses are so heightened. However, that was not to be the case with Jason. He has never been content with being second best and the day of his birth was no different.
First of all, he was supposed to be a girl. At least that was what the book that I bought guaranteed. After Justin was born, we were pretty sure that we were only going to have one more and to give Julia an equal voting chance in the house, we agreed that a girl would be the best option. Even though we followed all of the rules, Jason appeared. The funny thing was that at the end of the last chapter, the book offered to send back the cost of the book if you didn’t get the boy or girl that you had wanted. I guess they didn’t have a boy/girl exchange program.
Julia’s mother had three children and each one of her labors was much quicker. When she had her third, John (who if you remember sent me Graeter’s ice cream when I first got home from the hospital), she barely got in the hospital when he was delivered. Since Justin came fairly quickly, I was scared to death that I would have to pull the care over on the way to the hospital and deliver Jason in the back seat of the Hyundai.
As a result, every time that Julia burped after she got close to the delivery date, we went to the hospital. Finally on the third trip, we got it right. However, the delivery wasn’t going to be an easy one. Although it went fairly quickly, the umbilical cord was wrapped around Jason’s neck. As the delivery progressed, Julia’s blood pressure dropped and Jason’s heartbeat fell right along with it.
All of a sudden, there are 7 people in the room and they have Julia on her hands and knees trying to get things in a more favorable position. Of course, I am having a cerebral hemorrhage and Julia is as cool as a cucumber. They finally got things back in order and Jason was born without a hitch.
I think the lack of oxygen made Jason as stubborn as a mule. (Certainly didn’t get that from me.) For the first two years, he refused to talk. I never heard so many “aaaaaaa’s” and “ooooooo’s” in my entire life. It seemed like the only word he knew was “no.” I don’t even want to try to count the money we spent on doctors and tests making sure he could hear.
But eventually, he did start talking and we couldn’t shut him up. However, I think he has now gone back to his old ways and he only knows how to text. He does talk to us once in a while, but it is usually about whatever sport he is playing or something he has seen on MTV or VH1. For those of you not old enough to remember, they actually used to show music videos on those two networks. Now it is just inane reality TV.
Yet, I really have no reason to complain. He cleans his room at least once per month and keeps the wear and tear on the carpet in his room down since he keeps all of his clothes on the floor. He stays out of trouble and actually gets an A or two now and then in school. Oh, and don’t forget, he did offer me one of his kidneys when he thought that would save my life. It is impossible to truly convey your innermost feelings for another person. You can say all of the right words, but words rarely give the full meaning. You hope your actions express what you want to say. I hope that years from now when I am long gone, Jason understands the love that a father has for a son. I don’t have a kidney to give him, but love, I have plenty of.
I guess we have done a few things right over the last 16 years. Now if he can just not break a leg in his first high school football game tonight.
Good Luck Jason!!!