Monday, August 15, 2011

August 15, 2011 -- Side Effects

Before this goes too far, I have to admit up front that I am a TVaholic. I understand that this is not acceptable to many people, but it is who I am. I enjoy TV and I like to go to movies. Maybe it is just an escape from normal life, but it is what I like to do.

That being said, I have seen more than a few commercials in my life and have really noticed a change in the last 10 years. Ten years ago, there were not too many commercials for prescription drugs. They were what your doctor prescribed and as a patient, you just left it up to them to decide what was best. The world has changed and we are continually bombarded with commercials for all of these new and exciting drugs, everything from drugs to help you in the bedroom to drugs that allow you to eat all the wrong foods and still have good cholesterol.

The other thing that you can’t help but notice is all of the potential side effects. After they read the list of potential side effects, it is a miracle that anyone takes anything. My favorite is the anti-depression drug that may cause you to have thoughts of suicide. Heck, all I have to do is look at my tax bill every year and I have thoughts of suicide.

The problem with these side effects is that they come from clinical trials that want to know everything that happens to you when you are participating in the clinical and they consider anything abnormal as a side effect. Yesterday is a perfect example of what would have been a side effect if I was actually participating in the clinical that had been discussed several months ago.

After running a load of towels through the washer and dryer, I decided to do some of my husband duties and fold the towels. There were a few too many bath towels to put on our towel shelf, so I laid two towels on the tub. All I did was bend my back about 30 degrees and I felt a little pop in my back and instant pain. I managed to mess up my back by laying down two towels that didn’t even weigh a pound. The fact that I have had a history of pack pain and I seem to be falling apart would have nothing to do with the requirements of the clinical. It would have to be reported.

So today, I took a look at the potential side effects of Revlimid and found that there were potentially 242 side effects. Yes, you read that right, 242. There was everything they from heart attacks to hiccups. Just about everything that could go wrong was on there. Right in the middle was a listing for back pain. Obviously, my back pain had been caused by the drug. It seems to me that because of the way the clinicals are run, some of the information becomes worthless and you have to look at everything with a jaundiced eye.

In my particular case, I have run into some side effects that I would prefer to avoid. The first one that hit took about 3 days to rear its ugly head. Before I went to bed that night, I noticed that my scalp had become itchy. I didn’t think much of it until the next day rolled around and it had become worse. Three days after it started, I looked like a dog with flees, scratching at every opportunity. Luckily, it started toning down the next day and eventually went away.

The next side effect was a continual cramping of muscles. This could happen at any time and just about anywhere on my body. This started about two weeks in and seems to have settled down to where I only occasionally get a cramp.

However, the last side effect that I have noticed is the one that is going to drive me crazy if it doesn’t go away. I have a further confession to make. I am not only a TVaholic but also a foodaholic. It’s not that I eat a lot of different things or even things that are good for me, but I do like food, probably to a fault. I am now finding that food is losing its flavor, especially salt and other spices. I eat spicy food and think it is boring, which has never been the case. I have already found that adding a shake or two of the salt shaker is worthless. I can live with this, but what a bummer!

On a related front, water suddenly tastes like bleach. Now, I’m not exactly sure what bleach tastes like, but this has got to be it. Since all of this started, I have gone from drinking a lot of tea and soda (pop for you mid-westerners) to drinking almost exclusively water due to my kidney issues. I will typically drink at least 80+ ounces of water each day. This has now become a chore as we search for fixes.

Don’t get me wrong, I will trade all of these inconveniences for a few more years of life. We tend to become spoiled in life and always want things to be perfect. It is only when other things become more important that we are willing to compromise. I have found my reason to compromise. In the end, I needed to lose a few pounds before my 40th high school reunion, anyway. There is always a silver lining, I guess, you just have to look hard enough.

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