Yogi Berra was one of the best baseball players to ever play the game which is proven by his induction into the Baseball Hall of Fame. However, he may be better known for his wonderful quotes. I am sure you have heard some of them in the past, but when you have the time, I suggest you take the time to read all of them. It will bring a smile to your face.
Here are just a few of my favorites: “You can observe a lot just by watching.”, “It ain't over 'til it's over.”, “When you come to a fork in the road take it”, “The future ain't what it used to be.”, and “Nobody comes here anymore, it’s too crowded”.
Yogi Berra Quotes (Author of The Yogi Book ) (goodreads.com)
The reason that I bring up the “Déjà vu all over again” is that I will be reliving a part of my life that many of you lived with me 13 years ago. Thirteen years ago, I discovered that I had Multiple Myeloma, a cancer of the blood plasma in the bone marrow. Over that period, I have done my best to wake up the next morning no matter the cost. Some days have been easier than others especially over the last two years which have become increasingly difficult. I have utilized 15 different chemotherapies during those years in a variety of different combinations. Some have worked, the majority have not. Sadly, there are none left that work on an ongoing basis.That brings me to today the day before I enter the hospital for my second stem cell transplant. I am not operating under the illusion that there is some miracle waiting for me on the other side of this. It is more like the tv commercials where they say it is a chance to live longer.
So, over the last few months my life has changed drastically. Since Covid, Julia and I have been very careful where we went and what we did. When eating at restaurants we almost always ate outdoors, rarely inside. As a result, we have avoided that virus, however we did not avoid another virus that you may never have heard of, Rotavirus. It is a disease typically afflicting infants and young children. Julia and I both caught it and suffered roughly 10 days of the worst diarrhea we have ever experienced. This was so bad that I spent 3 weeks in the hospital and lost 10 pounds. It basically ruined what was left of my kidneys which were compromised by my MM. Now I will be on dialysis for the rest of my life.
My cancer has also taken off. For years I worried about my light chains which is a cell that normal people never worry about. For all of you out there your number would be 1 or 2. I have fought to keep mine under 20 for years. It is now over 1,400. As a result, we have had to move up the transplant before is does even more dirty work. It is also attacking my bones as I now have about a dozen with some type of lesion on then.
Because they decided to move up the transplant, I have had a zillion tests in the last week or so. The biggie was a bone marrow biopsy. I had that scheduled for earlier this week. This is one of those tests that they want you refrain from eating and drinking because you have the option to have it done under a “twilight” anesthesia. Well, I woke up that morning and my blood pressure was low. I didn’t know it at
the time, but my hemoglobin had also crashed. So, I drank some Gatorade ate seven (for the salt to raise my pressure) potato chips completely forgetting my afternoon biopsy.
A good friend and I always tease each other about being “stupider” and for sure I won this race. When we get to the hospital, I tell them of my egregious act and the world changes. As a result, I will either have to reschedule or go with just a local and the pain associated with it. Because we didn’t have a great deal of time to pull off all these tests, I braved it out and let them do it with just a local. Since I am typing this, I obviously survived. Yet to let you know the highlight of the procedure is an electrical drill and some type of instrument that they pound into the bone with. That put a cap on any dancing for later that day.
So, I am now through all the tests and just need to meet with my oncologist Dr. Bergsagel to finalize everything for tomorrow as I will receive my high-dose chemo to get this all started. As an interesting sidenote, Dr. Bergsagel’s father invented the chemo that will be used tomorrow.
I will be miserable at times during the next two weeks so bear with me as we can only hope for a miracle.
Sending lots of LOVE and PRAYERS!!!
ReplyDeleteJohn, I am so sorry to hear of your health struggles and to learn of the return of your MM. Prayers to you, Julia and your family. The Hare family 🙏
ReplyDeleteI have thought of you lately. I have nothing to do tomorrow so I will be in prayer all day. (I won't be on my knees as that ship sailed, but I don't think that matters) Have Julia update this. God bless your family.
ReplyDeleteThanks Denise for the kind thoughts. Chemo hasn't started. This will likely mean it will start at 9PM.
DeleteSo that's 11:00 PM my time?
DeleteYou are in our thoughts and prayers John. You are a fighter and have strength beyond measure.
ReplyDeleteThank you Heather!
DeletePraying that it all goes well for you John! I know you have some tough days ahead of you but you've got this!! Stay strong
ReplyDeleteBy the way, this is Jamie Clements
DeletePrayers! You are a very brave person! Thank you for sharing your blog with us!
DeleteThanks so much Jamie.
DeletePrayers for you John. The Lord is with you, rest in his protection 💜
ReplyDeleteJohn, So sorry to hear of your condition. I an stunned and saddened. All I can do is remember the good times when we worked together. I always remember your strong character which I must assume continues. Your friend, Carl.
DeleteI’m so sorry to hear of your struggles and the return of mm. Please know your in my thoughts and prayers as you continue this battle forward. Hugs to you all.
ReplyDeleteJohn, we are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Keep fighting and enjoy those good days. Hugs to you and your family. Love Kim W.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Kim. Julia still talks about how great the old days were at Compu.
DeleteTherese here. Sending you lots of love and healing energy.
ReplyDeleteThanks Therese.
DeleteJohn, you are a gifted writer. Thanks for sharing with us so we can specifically lift you up to our Lord for your prayer needs. You and Julia are very courageous in this battle you are fighting, truly an inspiration. Take care, Amy and Bill Lay
ReplyDeleteI always wanted a Bill Lay haircut, its on its way...
DeleteJohn, so sorry you have having to relive this health regimen. But the key word hear is “live”, you are a fighter and will come out of this to fight again. Glad you will be writing again, you make us all that are praying for you feel better with your words. Love and prayers. ❤️
ReplyDeleteThanks Sharon. Maybe we can getogether when this is over.
DeleteYou stay strong, John! You’ve got this! Bob and I will keep you, Julia & the boys in our prayers! Bob promises to reenact the pudding pop debacle when you’re finished all of this. I know this is certainly motivating to get well soon.
ReplyDeleteLove, prayers and hugs to you, my friend. Cindy (& Bob)
HAHAHA. love you Bob. Probably the only guy in the world that would like my cooking.
DeleteMo here - so very sorry you and Julia need to share this news - glad you did so we in your army can do what we can do to help. Your eloquent words tell you story so well. It makes me feel like we are back in 6480 once again starting our day. Prayer continue for you both and your boys Hugs too
ReplyDeleteThanks so much, Michelle. Be good.
DeleteMiracles do happen ❤️
ReplyDeleteGod bless you and all those that love you.
ReplyDeletePrayers from Bob and Rita! You’ve defied the odds before, no doubt you will do it again! Prayers for strength and healing!
ReplyDeleteThanks guys, Rita hope you are feeling better. They had a news feature here on women having hair issues after covid.
DeleteMy heart breaks as I read your updates MM sucks! I hate they haven't found a cure yet. You are so strong. Keep fighting this crazy disease. I just love you guys so much. Prayers being sent.
ReplyDeleteJohn, you and Julie and your sons are in our prayers. Praying for that miracle. I think you qualify for the bravest ever award.
ReplyDeleteSending all the love and prayers the internet can possibly convey to both you and Julia. You have had such a positive impact on my world - especially back in the day as my boss and later as my friend. It’s hard to put into words how I admire your bravado and wit and just absolute charm! You’ll make it through this and we will spend some time reminiscing about what a terrible employee I was! -Kat
ReplyDeleteYou were a 98 as an employee. You know what kept you from 100.....
DeleteGood God, I love you, man… still making me laugh!