A week ago, Jason started feeling just a little under the weather. Then on Monday night he had the pleasure of food flying out of him in both directions at a velocity a great deal higher than he would have liked. We gave him Pepto Bismol and told him to get better. I’m not sure if Pepto ever works but it still gets used in our house like it was water from Lourdes. To his dismay, Jason only rented it.
Because he somehow managed to survive the JV football season and was called up to the varsity for the last regular season game, I felt it was imperative that he do everything that he could to make it to school so that he could dress for Friday night. Yea, I know he was throwing up, but this is football we are talking about. Hamilton is the number 16 team in the country and the opportunity to suit up and possibly get in a game would be a wonderful experience. The fact that I have a $30 bet with Justin that Jason will actually make it into a game before the end of the season had nothing to do with my motives.
To my (and Jason’s ) dismay, he had to come home on Tuesday and didn’t make it back to school until Thursday. Needless to say, he made it to the sideline on Friday but not dressed to play. One less game to win my $30.
As they say, God works in mysterious ways. I had not even had a sniffle since this whole cancer thing started. Chemo does wonders for the common cold, it seems. Well, I don’t think He liked the fact that I sent Jason to school just so he could play in a football game. That night I understood the wonders of sharing. Midway through the night, my stomach started to bother me a bit. By seven in the morning I was driving the porcelain bus. Later that day, I had to rush to the bathroom for the other reason.
If you add up the entire time I was out of bed on Wednesday it would not have reached 15 minutes unless you count bathroom time. By the next morning I felt good enough to go to work but by 3 PM, I was headed home not to return until Monday morning. I found that if I laid around all day, I would improve, but as soon as I did much, I would start to head back down hill. So for the most part, the weekend was a do nothing, watch TV marathon.
I hate to bring up the F word, or flu for those of you that have lived in a news free zone for the last year, but my guess is that I had some strain. Jason took one for the team when he went to see the doctor and had blood drawn to see if it was bacterial, but that came back negative. He didn’t make it through football practice today and the coach sent him home after he threw up on the sideline. Not sure what it is, but it sure has thrown us for a loop.
Hopefully, we will both be completely back to normal in the next day or two as I have my first overnight business trip since my transplant on Thursday and Jason has his best chance of getting in a game this Friday. Don’t forget, I still have that $30 hanging over my head.
A week from this Friday, I have my blood taken for my first post remission test. I also get to have my body x-rayed in every position known to man. The blood work will confirm if I am still in remission and the x-rays will determine how my bones are doing. Hopefully, both show some improvement. Tune in for results just before Thanksgiving.
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